When you're deciding among newborn costumes, take a moment to think about whether you prefer a bunting -- which will cover those little feet on a cold evening -- or a dress or pants and shirt. The right answer depends on how cold it is where you live, what your baby tends to prefer, and what you tend to prefer.
The ideas for newborn costumes are without limit. Here are a few ideas to get your creative juices flowing:
1. Baby Tomato: You can buy a costume or make one at home. If you choose to make one, get a red bunting or red pants and top. You can make seeds from felt and place them on the front of the tomato outfit. A little hat will top off the costume and look adorable at the same time. With green felt, you can make a stem and attach it to the red hat with a few moments of sewing.
2. Baby Super Girl or Super Boy: Use red knee high socks, a cape, and a light blue outfit to make this costume. With felt, you can cut out the letter "B" (for a boy) or the letter "G" (for a girl) and attach it to the chest of the costume with thread. The sewing is so easy even I could do it.
3. Baby Carrot: An orange bunting and cap make for an easy infant carrot costume. Use green felt to make leaves and attach them to the orange cap with thread. This is such an easy costume to make and will look cute at the same time.
Be sure to take a lot of photographs so you can share the memories with your little one when he or she grows up. Halloween offers a fun time to become someone or something different for an evening and to exercise our creativity whether we make or buy a costume.
Deborah Nelson manages the Zippy Halloween Costumes website, which has lots of costume ideas for infants.
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