This Item Includes: Jacket with pockets, satin lapel, handkerchief and matching shirt dickie with attached bow tie. Includes hat and faux cigar.
It's your puppy or dog, why not include him/her in on all the fun. Dressing up your dog in a Halloween costume is not only fun but can be a conversation starter and a way to meet new friends. There are hundreds if not thousands of unique dog costumes.
One of them that come to mind is the "hotdog costume", this costume has been around for awhile but it is still a favourite among dog owners. Something that I suggest you do is get your costumes for your dogs early.
The reason for I say this is because if you wait until the night or day of your Halloween event your dog might not enjoy that he/she has a dinosaur wrapped around their body. Give them plenty of time to adjust to the costume and you will have an evening filled with fun and maybe some new friends. Another suggestion is while your dog has it's costume on either keep them on a leash or keep a very close eye on them.
The Halloween costumes for dogs can be bulky and with the weather being cooler that means fireplaces,portable heaters are on. It would be very easy for your dog to get the costume close enough to catch it on fire. If it happens to be hot outside the day of your Halloween event don't forget to bring along water for your dog, some Halloween costumes will trap heat and overheat your dog. I hope these little tid bits of information was helpful and everyone has a wonderful 2008 Halloween season.
Bill Mckenzie
Looking for unique and funny dog costumes? You can find them at http://www.yourpetsuppliespro.com