Customer Review: Disco Costume
This item was for a surprise birthday party for my husband. He absolutely loved it!
Your baby will only have one first Christmas and you want to make sure you don't forget anything that happens. Keeping memories of you baby's first Christmas can last a lifetime. Looking back as your child grows will make you remember different times in their life.
One great way to keep all the fun times during your baby's first Christmas is to start a scrapbook to save all the mementos from the big day. Make sure you take lots of pictures, from the time they wake up to when they see the first present they will open.
Be sure to get as many pictures as you can as they tear into the wrapping. These are memories you don't want to miss. If you have a movie camera be sure to set it up so the whole family can be seen.
Look back at some older home movies: you always see just one parent in the film because nobody had any tripods back then. It's so much better to see both mom and dad when looking back at the good old days.
You also want to keep as much as you can from your baby's first Christmas. Add scraps of wrapping paper, bows, and anything else you can think of to your scrapbook. Each page can be a theme and make sure you write down time and anything special that happened. This will help when you look back to remember all the great times you had on this special day.
If you have not done this before make sure you have a baby's first Christmas ornament with the year on it. This is something you want to hang on the tree every year. By keeping all of these special memories your special day will never be forgotten.
So if you make sure you keep as many different items and keep them in a scrapbook along with writing down anything about the day that you don't want forget. Just some small notes will be sure to make you remember that special day. By doing this you will be able to bring back your baby's first Christmas for years to come.
See Baby's First Year Scrapbooking ideas at http://www.babys-first-year.com/