This Item Includes: Hat, Shrug, Lace Up Side Dress
Halloween Invitations for Your Scary Halloween Party!
As children, most of us fondly remember dressing up in scary costumes and going door to door begging for candy. We didn't really worry about party Halloween Invitations then because we had plenty to keep us occupied as we strolled through the neighborhood and snacked on our haul of treats. Today, more families are looking for safe alternatives to trick or treating. Sending out costume cards and planning some great Halloween ideas for kids can be a way to still make the holiday fun. Here are some possible games you might want to include in your post-Halloween invite plans.
Green Apple Finding & Halloween Invitations
To play this Halloween game, you'll need a dozen red apples and one green apple, plus some string and a tree. Fix the apples so they can be hung from the branches of the tree. Now you'll blindfold each of the kids one at a time, spin them around a few times and send each of them to pick an apple from the tree. Repeat the process until each of the kids has their own apple. The Halloween party invitation recipient who finds the green apple wins a prize. Since this is Halloween, candy is always a good choice. You could also give a caramel or candy apple as a Halloween prize.
Become the Mummy & Halloween Stationary
This can be a fun game for all ages. If you're working with younger kids, you might want to divide the group into pairs and pass out only one roll of toilet paper to each set. With older children, you should consider diving them into groups of three and giving each group two rolls of toilet paper. The idea is to wrap one of the team members like a mummy using all of the toilet paper. Whichever team uses all of their paper first is the winner. The game is fun but also requires teamwork so it's useful in many ways. You might even want to send out Halloween cards or custom Holiday Invitations with a mummy theme if you like the idea of making this game a focal point of your event.
Digging Through the Dirt & Personalized Halloween Party Invitations
Send Halloween Invitations Cards to younger kids who won't be self-conscious about getting dirty and making fools of themselves in front of their friends if you want to play this game. First, you'll want to make a good load of "dirt" which is really just crushed chocolate sandwich cookies. Generic cookies are a good choice since taste is going to matter and you'll want to get several bags. Plus, you'll want to load up on the whipped cream. If you can make your own, that's a good way to save money. Next, purchase a supply of gummy worms. Divide up the "dirt" and whipped topping mixture evenly for each guest and add the same number of gummy worms to each. Have the kids dig through the crushed cookies to find all of the worms without using their hands. It's definitely not a scary Halloween game!
Trying any or all of these games is a great way to make your guests happy they responded to your unique Halloween party invitations and printed Holiday Invitations.
About the Author: Sarah Porter is author of several articles including Scary Halloween Invitations Cards Spooky Halloween Invitations Personalized Holiday Invitations, Holiday Invitations Designed Just For You and many more on express-invitations